Looking to understand the price of peanuts in Pakistan?

Peanuts Price in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide

Peanuts Price in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide


Peanuts, also known as groundnuts, are a popular snack and ingredient used in various culinary delights around the world. In Pakistan, peanuts hold significant importance due to their widespread consumption and usage in traditional dishes. If you’re curious about the peanuts price in Pakistan, including major cities like Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Islamabad, and Quetta, this comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary information. Additionally, we will delve into the peanut market, industry, farming, cultivation, production, exports, imports, consumption, recipes, and health benefits associated with peanuts.

Peanuts Price in Pakistan

Peanuts are widely cultivated in Pakistan, making them readily available throughout the country. The prices of peanuts can vary depending on the region and market conditions. Let’s take a closer look at the peanuts price in Pakistan’s major cities.

Peanuts Price in Lahore

Lahore, the cultural hub of Pakistan, offers a diverse range of food items, including peanuts. The price of peanuts in Lahore is influenced by factors such as supply, demand, and quality. On average, the current price of peanuts in Lahore ranges from PKR 150 to PKR 200 per kilogram.

Peanuts Price in Karachi

As one of the largest cities and economic centers of Pakistan, Karachi has a bustling market for peanuts. The price of peanuts in Karachi is relatively competitive due to the high demand. At present, the price of peanuts in Karachi ranges from PKR 140 to PKR 180 per kilogram.

Peanuts Price in Multan

Multan, known as the “City of Saints,” is famous for its fertile lands and agricultural produce. Peanuts are a significant commodity in Multan, and their prices reflect the local market dynamics. The current price of peanuts in Multan varies from PKR 130 to PKR 170 per kilogram.

Peanuts Price in Islamabad

As the capital city of Pakistan, Islamabad has a thriving market for peanuts. The prices of peanuts in Islamabad are influenced by factors such as transportation costs and quality. Currently, the price of peanuts in Islamabad ranges from PKR 160 to PKR 200 per kilogram.

Peanuts Price in Quetta

Quetta, the capital city of Balochistan province, is known for its agricultural production. Peanuts are an essential part of the local cuisine, and their prices fluctuate based on market conditions. The present price of peanuts in Quetta varies from PKR 180 to PKR 220 per kilogram.

Peanuts in Pakistan: A Cultural Delight

Peanuts hold a special place in Pakistani cuisine, offering a rich and flavorful experience. Let’s explore the significance of peanuts in various cities of Pakistan.

Peanuts in Lahore

In Lahore, peanuts are a popular ingredient in traditional dishes like chana chaat and masala peanuts. Street vendors offer freshly roasted peanuts, attracting locals and tourists alike. The city’s love for peanuts is evident in the vibrant food culture and the presence of peanut-based snacks at festivals and events.

Peanuts in Karachi

Karachi, being a melting pot of diverse cultures, offers a wide variety of peanut-based snacks and dishes. From peanut chaat to peanut butter cookies, the city’s food scene embraces the versatility of peanuts. Karachiites enjoy roasted peanuts as a snack, and peanut oil is commonly used in cooking.

Peanuts in Multan

Multan’s fertile lands make it an ideal place for peanut cultivation. Peanuts play a vital role in the local cuisine, with dishes like peanut curry and peanut ladoos being popular among Multani households. The city takes pride in its peanut production and celebrates it through festivals and agricultural exhibitions.

Peanuts in Islamabad

Islamabad, being the capital city, showcases a fusion of regional flavors, including peanuts. You can find peanut-based delicacies in upscale restaurants and local street food stalls. Peanuts are often used in salads, desserts, and even as a topping for biryanis, adding a delightful crunch and flavor.

Peanuts in Quetta

Quetta’s cuisine reflects the flavors of Balochistan, and peanuts are an integral part of the local dishes. Peanut-based gravies, soups, and stews are common in Quetta’s culinary repertoire. Additionally, the city is known for its roasted peanuts, which are enjoyed as a snack during social gatherings.

Peanut Prices: Factors Affecting Cost and Rates

Several factors contribute to the pricing of peanuts in Pakistan. Understanding these factors can help consumers and traders make informed decisions. Let’s explore the key elements influencing peanut prices.

  1. Supply and Demand: The availability of peanuts and the level of consumer demand significantly impact the prices. During peak harvesting seasons, when the supply is abundant, prices may decrease. Conversely, a decrease in supply or a surge in demand can lead to higher prices.
  2. Quality and Grade: Peanuts are graded based on their size, shell quality, and kernel appearance. Higher-grade peanuts often command better prices in the market due to their superior quality.
  3. Transportation and Storage Costs: The cost of transporting peanuts from farms to markets, along with storage expenses, affects the final price. Remote areas or regions with limited transportation infrastructure may experience higher prices due to increased logistics costs.
  4. Seasonal Fluctuations: Peanuts are seasonal crops, and their prices may vary throughout the year. Harvesting seasons can witness an abundance of supply, leading to lower prices. Conversely, offseason prices may be higher due to limited availability.

Peanut Market and Industry in Pakistan

The peanut market in Pakistan is dynamic and contributes significantly to the country’s economy. Let’s explore the key aspects of the peanut industry, including farming, cultivation, production, exports, imports, and consumption.

Peanut Farming and Cultivation

Peanuts are primarily grown in Punjab, Sindh, and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan. Farmers utilize fertile lands, favorable climate, and modern farming techniques to cultivate peanuts. The farming process includes seed selection, land preparation, sowing, irrigation, and pest control. Peanuts thrive in well-drained soil and require a moderate amount of water.

Peanut Production

Pakistan is among the top peanut-producing countries globally. The country’s production capacity allows for a steady supply of peanuts to meet local demand and contribute to exports. The production process involves nurturing the plants, ensuring proper growth, and harvesting the mature peanuts at the right time.

Peanut Exports and Imports

Pakistan exports a substantial amount of peanuts to various countries, including the Middle East, Europe, and North America. The exports contribute to the country’s foreign exchange earnings. Additionally, Pakistan imports peanuts to meet the domestic demand during off-seasons or to fulfill specific market requirements.

Peanut Consumption

Peanuts are a favorite snack and ingredient in Pakistan. They are consumed in various forms, such as roasted, salted, or used as a garnish in dishes. Peanut butter is also gaining popularity among health-conscious consumers as a nutritious spread.

Peanut Recipes: A Culinary Delight

Peanuts add a delightful crunch and flavor to a wide range of dishes. Here are a few popular peanut recipes from Pakistan:

  1. Peanut Chaat: A tangy and spicy snack made with roasted peanuts, chopped onions, tomatoes, green chilies, and a blend of chaat masala and lemon juice.
  2. Peanut Curry: A rich and creamy curry made with peanuts, onions, tomatoes, and a blend of aromatic spices. It is often served with rice or roti (flatbread).
  3. Peanut Ladoo: A sweet treat made with roasted peanuts, jaggery (a traditional sweetener), and ghee (clarified butter). These bite-sized balls are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.
  4. Peanut Butter Cookies: Classic cookies made with peanut butter, flour, sugar, and butter. These cookies are loved by both kids and adults and make for a delightful snack.

Peanut Health Benefits

Beyond their delicious taste, peanuts offer various health benefits. Here are some key advantages of including peanuts in your diet:

  1. Rich in Protein: Peanuts are an excellent source of plant-based protein, making them a valuable addition to vegetarian and vegan diets.
  2. Healthy Fats: Peanuts contain monounsaturated fats, which are considered heart-healthy and can help lower bad cholesterol levels.
  3. Vitamins and Minerals: Peanuts are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, niacin, folate, and magnesium, which contribute to overall health and well-being.
  4. Antioxidants: Peanuts contain antioxidants that help fight inflammation and protect the body against oxidative stress.
  5. Weight Management: Despite being calorie-dense, peanuts can aid in weight management due to their high fiber content, which promotes satiety and reduces overeating.
  6. Brain Health: Peanuts are a good source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that supports brain health and cognitive function.

FAQs About Peanuts in Pakistan

1. Are peanuts expensive in Pakistan?

The prices of peanuts in Pakistan vary depending on factors such as quality, demand, and seasonal fluctuations. However, peanuts are generally considered affordable and readily available.

2. Can I find roasted peanuts in Pakistani markets?

Yes, roasted peanuts are commonly available in Pakistani markets. They are a popular snack and can be found in various flavors and spice levels.

3. Are peanuts a common allergen?

While peanut allergies exist, they are relatively uncommon. However, individuals with known allergies should exercise caution and avoid consuming peanuts or products containing peanuts.

4. Can I buy peanut butter in Pakistan?

Yes, peanut butter is widely available in supermarkets and grocery stores across Pakistan. It is a popular spread and can be used in various recipes.

5. Are there any peanut festivals or events in Pakistan?

Yes, peanut festivals and agricultural exhibitions are organized in different regions of Pakistan, particularly in areas known for peanut cultivation. These events celebrate the local agricultural heritage and provide a platform for farmers to showcase their produce.

6. Can I include peanuts in a weight loss diet?

While peanuts are calorie-dense, they can be included in a weight loss diet in moderation. Their high fiber and protein content can help promote feelings of fullness and prevent overeating.


Peanuts hold immense value in Pakistan, both culturally and economically. The prices of peanuts in major cities such as Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Islamabad, and Quetta vary based on market conditions and quality. Pakistan’s peanut industry encompasses farming, cultivation, production, exports, and imports, contributing to the country’s economy. Peanuts offer not only a delightful culinary experience but also numerous health benefits. Whether you enjoy them as a snack, incorporate them into your recipes, or reap their nutritional advantages, peanuts are truly a versatile and beloved ingredient in Pakistan.